
For the last year I have been posting photos of our big, airy, glamorous studio..the one with the huge old windows and the gleaming floors...the one that I refinished with blood, sweat and tears. A little over a month ago, on short notice, we relocated out of that space and into a much smaller, much cozier space. It does not have the same photogenic qualities as the previous but, it has holistic qualities that the other never could have provided for us. Over the last 9 years of writing on the internet, I have talked a lot about the importance of space. And have learned through all of my studio moves, the most important thing a space should provide is the ability to work without interruption. I have worked in some good spaces in Pittsburgh and put a lot of work into other peoples buildings to house my business there. But, they have all come with a host of tradeoffs. I dream of one day owning a building that houses my personal and business life and am on the hunt! But, for now, we are very very happily located in a tiny blue building, on a quiet street, in a busy neighborhood, with a great landlord. These things are all the things I needed. For the first time in many many many months, I feel like I can focus. Here’s the first glimpse of our well organized studio. More to come…as soon as I invest in a much much wider lens…or maybe some go-pro videos?! xoxo and hope you’re off to a great weekend!