

Riding into the studio this morning had my thoughts on the news of the weekend. I’ve been reading and feeling enraged and disgusted and unsure how to be with such hatred. I’m not going to post some quote about love and try to make myself feel like I’ve done something to contribute but, I will acknowledge that as a business owner I have a platform and, I feel, a responsibility to speak out against such acts of pure and utter hate. I can’t offer a more complete dialogue than what is already circulating but, I can say that I do not support in any way shape or form this (or any) white supremacy that has been showing itself more and more in the last year. I do not support racism or homophobia or classism or any of the things that are intended to suppress and hold down any other person or groups of persons. Yes, there does need to be more love in the world. But, that is also very trivial. There needs to be more education and more exposure and more support for basic human rights and more suppression of hatred. I know, a heavy note to start this week off on but, I would feel irresponsible if I kept silent on this subject. I do hope you all will read the news, take it to heart and try, always try to inform yourself of what is going on so when you are faced with it, you have the language and dialogue and the information to react and resist. This might also be trivial and isn’t delving into issues of privilege and accessibility (that’s a longer conversation) but, these things that put the entire world at war decades ago and are the core of so many wars happening around the world right now, are happening right here and right now and they cannot be glossed over as individual incidents. 
With that, I’ll leave you with all the love I have,
