Starting to pack boxes today and thinking about how sentimental I can be about the things in my home. I don't have a lot of decor, but all of it is something that was either made by someone I know and love, or from an experience or moment I don't want to forget. Polaroids from a fantastic trip out west, an espresso pot from that time I did an artists residency in Italy, vases made by one of my dearest friends, a typewriter drawing from an artist I truly admire, lavender that reminds me of someone important to me, a book of comics with my old kitty drawn in, a candle from my oldest friend, a stack of books in various stages of being read, a wall hanging by a new friend whose work I love. lots of memories and good feelings wrapped up into these things. Looking forward to the next place and the stories that will be made. This little house has been so good to us during the most difficult few years of my entire life. Feeling good to have sorted through so much here and made it such a happy safe place for us to be. I hope it does the same for the new owners. Enjoy your Saturday! And, happy earth day! xoxo