Ten years feels like such an accomplishment - and an amazement - and an opportunity - and an exciting thing to make a big deal out of!  So we are going to celebrate!!

When I started this business at the very beginning of 2007, I was living in Western Massachusetts and leading a very different life filled with different expectations for my future.  And, like any person pursuing anything, dreams and expectations change and evolve and grow.  And, in the midst of all of that, amazing things happen and less than amazing things happen and everything from growth and success, to getting hurt and broken, to being loved and strengthened, to risk taking and rebuilding, to rediscovering and falling in love with everything all over again happens…all of it...all of that crazy mess of life gets rolled into a huge swirling universe that make each of us who we are.  For me, Moop has been a reflection of my daily life and an avenue I love exploring and sharing and building upon.  Thank you for joining me as I’ve grown and experimented and shared my successes and not so successes along the way.  This little business has gone through so many stages and had so many amazingly talented people come in and out of it - all of whom I have loved and learned from.
  (ima call em out real quick in the post script of this little note because I want to publicly say thank you for being a part of this with me and not bore those of you are don’t want to read it)

Anyway, I hope you’ll keep with me as the next ten years start to take shape.  I have several things in the works that I am excited about…nice evolutions that I’m ready for and looking forward to sharing with you.  To celebrate and say thank you and to keep me packing box after box for the next two weeks, we are having a B I R T H D A Y S A L E !!! 
From now through April 3, 2017, take 15% off anything in the shop with the code: TENTENTEN

Be sure to check out our newest Backpack no.3 and The Paperback in red! And, all of the other gifts and goods that make perfect accompaniments to all of our bags.

Thank you for helping me make Moop into what it is! It’s been an amazing journey!  And, I’m forever grateful for the support you all have shown us!

Much love and gratitude,


Paperback Tote in red waxed canvas

p.s. a quick love letter to everyone who’s ever been a part of Moop (skip if you’re like, ugh, that’s way too gushy.)

Jeremy (while no longer a part of my life, you were an important one for a long time. the influence we had on each other will always be present)
Meaghan (you were the very first Moop assistant!)
Sarah N. (you were my first experienced stitcher!)
Nick (you attached so many vinyl labels!! and taught parker to throw a softball! and generally made my life easier.)
Brendan (you did a little of everything and for years afterwards we were reminded of you!)
Amy (you quietly worked and worked and worked)
David (you forced me to listen to Brittany Spears while you pressed so many straps! we had so much fun!)
Ryan & Randy (you taught me so much about web design and e-commerce, I am forever indebted)
Emily (the Pittsburgh first! we listened to so many audio books! and so much news and processed so much of our lives while sitting across from each other!)
Marlene (the most most special)
Jessica (you were the first to be a better stitcher than me! and we fell in love with the hunger games books together and your wedding was the most fun one i've ever been to and now all your babies are adorable.)
Matt (also so short but you helped us build out a studio and that will always be appreciated!)
Mina (you grew up in front of us and showed, through your quiet beautiful way, how to be someone who overcomes all adversity) (you are amazing)(and you folded straps faster than anyone before or since)
Drew (you shared your love of science and philosophy and Rocky Horror Picture show while cutting fabric and setting snaps and keeping us all organized!)
Sara B. (you were brief in your time at Moop but not in your friendship! and you snipped so many bags in that short time!!)
Gena (you shared so much life and evolution during the most difficult year of my entire life and i will forever remember your grace as you listened to me process all that was going on) (also, the only to hold conversations ranging from the most intellectual to the most ridiculous)(and that xmas party will never be forgotten)
Lexi (forever bae and second mom to parker. not enough room to fit all the words in this little space)
Theresa (we hung from the rafters and made so many inappropriate jokes together!)(and, i’ve never met anyone who can stitch in stilettos like you!)
Amber (a short lived but lovely moment! thank you for sharing a holiday season with us!)
AAAND…Jesse (the current) and Jeff (also the current),  you two keep my days full of the most ridiculous conversations in the best and most smiliest and serious when they need to be kind of ways.  I could not be happier to be entering this next stage with you two at my side.  Thanks for being good at what you do and for choosing to do this with me.
Oh! and, my sweet talented daughter Parker who has literally grown up with Moop and personally known everyone who has worked here with us. She was raised with the studio as her home, has seen first hand every start and stop and studio move and has been my constant companion.

Thank you all for helping me build! a million xo's.