We get asked all the time which of our bags make the best diaper bag.
In short, it’s The Porter.
But, many of our bags are great for use as a diaper bag. Our bags are durable, water resistant, amply sized and have useful pockets - rather than a million pockets you cannot actually use. The interior of this bag has two large slip pockets, large enough to carry a travel size container of wipes and a few diapers, or two bottles side by side. There is also a large zip pocket for all of the small and loose things...or, as a place to stash dirty clothes. Plus, a key clip...so you can always find your keys :)
But, I think one of the number one reasons people come to us for a diaper bag is that our bags are very gender neutral. Especially The Porter! Whether you are single parenting (like I did for the majority of my daughter's life) or co-parenting, same sex couple or a hetero couple, either party can carry our bag without feeling like they’re running around carrying something plastered with childish graphics or overly frilly embellishments. Our philosophy of understated minimalism is how we like to think about the utilitarianism of diaper bags, and is how we design all of our bags.
The best diaper bag