I hope you have been enjoying this winter! We have had so much snow (which I love), negative degrees (which we didn't actually mind too much) and lots of cozy hang out time (a few good movies and tense football games (did you see that Chiefs game?!)). But, we are well into 2014 now and there is work to be done!My biggest project has been redoing our website. I learned a lot, realized I need a better chair and got excited about the smallest of things...things that are seemingly so small most people will use them without noticing they were a thing that had to be made. For example, I spent many hours learning how to make a tab on our product page. yes, a tab. I felt so successful in that moment. The kind of success where you're like wow, I have achieved something so super great. Of things that have happened in my life, I would rank that sense of achievement like this:
- birth a child, name her (that's a tough thing), raise her as a single parent for the first 7 years of her life, while working two jobs, going to school full time, ultimately earning two degrees (with honors) and realizing, she's still alive, you're still alive and you taught her to read. That felt successful.
- start a business, with no money, a few skills and two art degrees. grow that business into something that not only supports me and my family but also supports a talented team of four. That feels super successful.
- spend hours and hours trying to understand how various arrangements of letters and symbols can make things appear on a computer screen. make a tab. That felt SUUUUUPER successful!
- learn how to turn my charcoal grill into a smoker. smoke all sorts of things (have you had smoked green beans? they'll be the brussel sprouts of 2014. mark my words). That felt like bucking the system (which I always view as a success).
And, for spending some time, you might decide its time for a new bag?
Use the code: TABS (ha! i couldn't resist) upon checkout at the new moopshop.com for 10% off.
Anyhow, would love to know what you think! Thanks for checking it out!
Cheers and love and kisses and hugs,
p.s. sale code is valid through midnight, Jan 20, 2014.