We just finished a set of these Letter Bags. Made with Horween leather straps, waxed canvas and cordura. This is a versatile bag good for carrying all your stuff to and from work without feeling like you’re carrying a duffel bag. It’s understated minimalism with a lot of…ok what I really want to talk about is the act of caring less. Not as in empathy for those around you. That is something we need much more of (pleeeze, let’s all do more to care for those around us!!). But, caring too much about things that don’t matter. I get stuck in ruts where I can’t pull myself out of the meaningless clutter and see the actual big picture. It’s like I micromanage myself into a place that ends up sabotaging my emotional/productivity state rather than seeing all of the big amazing fantastic things happening. Does this happen to you? It’s hard to combat sometimes. My friend Lauren is really good at giving me perspective when I’m stuck in those ruts. She’s my yoda. Also, I miss my daughter so, I’m going to go visit her in about 2 weeks. I can’t wait. It’s all connected. Adjusting to a new life, missing the ones you care about most, doing the things you love, with people you love and trying to find a balance to it all. And, in a strange way, this directly reflects my design process. I hone in on silly details that I feel insistent on including only to realize by including those elements I alter or affect negatively the entirety of a bag or object that I’m working on. But, once I can step away from it and see the unnecessary bits and strip them away, then I end up with the right layers of aesthetic and function paired with the ability to produce it well. Because a good design is only good if it can be successfully made. And, on that circuitous rambling note, I’ll leave you with all of the best Wednesday wishes.
p.s. thanks for listening!😬🌈❤️
care more care less