Hello Monday! We’ve had a series of starts and stops since beginning production after two and a half months of pandemic shut down. Our first week back we were only able to work 2.5 days due to an unexpected day and a half power outage in our building. This was immediately followed by the start of public protests here in Pittsburgh, which we wholeheartedly support. MoopHQ spent several days last week as a crew participating in the downtown protests. It’s a company culture I support. I’ve talked all week about the importance of, and my personal belief in public protest and have felt proud to raise my voice for #blacklivesmatter as a company and an individual, while also feeling deeply broken that we even have to. Seeing the entire world speak up, with two weeks of huge peaceful protests make me feel like the current is shifting. It will take so much more energy and attention and dedication to changing our ways. But, we are already seeing massive adjustments to public policy, police budgets and a critical mass of personal introspection. I’m optimistic ❤️
I also want to share a few updates on orders in queue. We are truly stitching and packing orders as fast as we can. Slowly, but surely, getting bag orders completed and shipped out. As far as masks go, we sold so many in 24 hours that I had to shut it down. I launched that pre-sale with a prototype that I have been perfecting ever since. We've finally developed one with the right shape and combination of materials. And it works well with our production capabilities (we’ve been learning a few new machines so we can produce these). We were able to make our first hire to help us get them produced. We feel really grateful for the support you’ve shown which made that possible. As of right now, we have many steps underway and should have the first huge set ready to ship in 2 weeks. We will then open up the next round of pre-sales.
Keep the momentum going, on all fronts and we will all pull through❤️