Stay at Home Orders

Moop storefront downtown Pittsburgh

Hello Monday! I’m here working solo, in our closed up storefront, interacting with no one, finishing up and shipping out as many orders as I can before more changes happen. The state of PA has shut down all non-essential businesses in an effort to keep people from congregating. And, I’d like to say most everyone is working from home, but downtown Pittsburgh is actually very full of people🤷🏽‍♀️ We watched both Outbreak and Contagion this weekend because we are masochists. I have been saying for a week that it feels like we are living a movie script. These things that are happening feel dreamt up in a writers room. But, they're true. Life imitates art, imitates life, imitates movies.
Very surreal times. I’m trying to make it through by working as much as I can (again, in my completely closed up studio, interacting with no one). I feel a pretty strong sense of responsibility to keep this little business afloat so we can make it through this and I can bring my team back. I miss them. They make my days so much better.
I am so grateful for each of you who have supported us in this strange time. You are the reason I will be able to keep paying everyone’s health insurance, keep paying our fixed costs, like rent and debt payments and outstanding bills to other small businesses we purchase from and keep buying us time while the whole world grinds to a halt. You all are amazing. Thank you.



Stay at Home Orders