Outfit Post no.1!


I adhere to a uniform when I dress each day…basically, black jeans, black tank, black sweater, black eyeliner. I don’t like to spend a lot of time choosing what I will wear. It’s just my spartan style and all of our bags are designed around this minimalist aesthetic. But, as the years have gone by, I have learned that you all amazing humans have a much more diverse approach to dressing yourselves each day than I do! So, we’ve been pulling together some outfits styled around our bags. Once or twice a week we’ll post em up here on the blog. They’re all styled by our resident Pinstapolygrammer Chelsey (ya..did you know we also use Pinterest and Polyvore! Click on over for some styling inspiration, interior daydreams and beautiful imagery and give us a follow!). Today’s post is centered around the jeans I wear every single day and The Porter, the bag I carry when I am not bike commuting. Plus one of my favorite Odette collaboration pieces with Bailey Doesn’t Bark and the always amusing IDGAF pin that we’ve got here in the shop. xoxo, Wendy & co
Outfit Post no.1!